Monday 1 October 2012

A Warm Welcome to UmBongoDreams

A new contributor to Sobweb Productions is born today... Welcome, UmBongoDreams! We have a (new) tradition of asking a couple of questions to our contributors when they join. Let's see what UmBongoDreams has to say:

What do you want to do before you die?
Not that I'm criticising your interview style but I've always preferred the question 'what do you want to do while you're still alive' rather than '..before you die'; it just has a better ring to it I think.

But I suppose all the normal answers such as travel the world, have a family, skydive ... but I guess in terms of what I hope to achieve in my life, I've always had an image of moving to North America and setting up a bar. Dream Big I know. I don't know what it is but I could never see myself in a '9 to 5' style career and I think owning my own bar would give me my much needed daily amount of social interaction as well as a reason to get up in the mornings and a not too stressful working life. I'm sure that owning a bar is a lot harder than it looks on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia with not as much free time in the day to go on acid trips in morph suits as them but I can do basic accounts and I have a fondness for cleaning.

I've always found the city of New Orleans alluring. I saw a documentary once where Morgan Freeman talked about the birth of Blues and Jazz and ever since I've wanted to visit.

Canada has also had my attentions for a while, specifically British Columbia which as a province has an amazing blend of animated city night life and breath-taking mountain range scenery.

I can really see myself living somewhere like this and plan to do a trial run in my gap year, whenever that may be.

I don't have any definite plans in mind for my life, but when people ask that is my default answer. Travelling is the main item on my agenda though. The way I see it, we don't get to choose which country we are born into, I got lucky with the UK. And now I have the opportunity, should I wish to take it, to see as much of the world as I can; and I intend to.

Favourite quote?
Quotes are a strange thing for me. I see people use them on a day to day basis where they lazily use other people's words to express their own feelings. I think the more people use quotes rather than trying to re-word them into their own style, the more these quotes will become diluted and vague in their meaning. However I am one of these people who uses quotes a lot and one that I always find myself returning to is from Jim Morrison, a sort of hero of mine in many ways, who said;
"It's a funny thing, I noticed that when people are joking they're usually dead serious, and when they're dead serious it's usually pretty funny."

Thanks for the insight UmBongoDreams.

And now, for your enjoyment, here's a sneaky sample of the sort of thing he'll be posting.

I ordered some DIY Night Vision Goggles from eBay ...

... I'm a little disappointed to be honest.

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